
Weighing the Odds

Devlin listened to Lord Popora's request. The old halfling seemed open and candid about his intentions. But part of him is still wary of the Boromar Lord. He quickly gazed over his companions, watching their reactions.

Rothaide was frowning at the news of the plague in Regalport. Her smooth delicate hand nervously held the goblet of water. The elf was probably reminded of her misfortune back at her old ship.

As Gian pretended to watch the Shifters, he noticed Devlin's eyes turning towards him. The young artificer adjusted his eyeglass, and stared back at the half-elf.

Devlin cleared his throat and looked back at the halfling. "What kind of spice do you want us to deliver?"

Lord Popora beamed an oily smile. "Nothing illegal," he answered. "Five barrels of House Jorasco medicinal herbs and spices, for the afflicted people of Regalport."

"Sounds simple enough," Zonnos interrupted. Popora's eldest son was now lying comfortably on the mattress, toying with his goblet.

"If it's that simple, why come to me?" Devlin asked.

The old halfling stared at his eldest son, signaling him to behave himself. But Zonnos appeared oblivious to his father's reprimand. "You are a wizard and member of House Lyrandar," Lord Popora explained. "It will be easy for you to go in and out of the blockade."

"My relation with Lyrandar is strained," Devlin answered. "But I think I can still pull some strings."

"Then it is settled," Lord Popora replied.

"Not yet," Devlin interrupted. "There is still a matter of our fee."

"How does five thousand gold pieces sound?" Popora offered. "Two thousand five hundred upfront and the rest of the payment upon completion of the mission."

Devlin kept silent for a moment. His brow creased and his finger tapped on his chin seemingly doing some mental computations.

“Let’s go for seven thousand.” The half-elf countered. “With an additional three thousand gold pieces if we rescue your child Mika.”

Popora gave out a throaty laugh. ”You are a real businessman Devlin d’Lyrandar. Let’s settle on seven thousand and five hundred gold pieces then. Three thousand now and the rest WHEN you deliver Mika back.”

Before Devlin could answer, Zonnos gave a loud burp. Having captured everyone’s attention the younger halfling stood up and faced his father.

“Blessed progenitor, look at these runts and weaklings before you. They could not fight their way past a razorclaw hatchling; much less survive to find Mika. Let me send my Shifters to rescue my treasured sibling.”

Popora gave a low, long blink, as if considering the matter, then replied, “No, I believe there is a greater chance of success if I send them.”

Zonnos stifled a chortle and said, “The least of my Shifters can take any one of their number.”

Again, Popora spoke out before anyone could answer. “I take your bet, my child. Guests, is there one among you to prove young Zonnos incorrect? Does anyone care to wrestle a Shifter?”

As he spoke, the Shifter that carried the ale barrels into the room stood up. He over six feet tall and made threatening gestures towards Devlin and his crew.

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