
Coreen Syndrel

"5th level Human Expert"

This petite and slender human girl with long flowing dark hair and deep blue eyes serves as the Ravenstorm's bookkeeper and Devlin's personal assistant. She wears loose, simple garments and keeps a serious face whenever she does her bookkeeping. She's likewise in charge of all the ship's schedules and logistics keeping the ship's captain to deal with the ship's other functions.

Devlin's notes:

I met Coreen during the Last War, she was a messenger and informant working with the Archmage Galvorn. Coreen has worked with several archwizards in the past. She claims to be a young innocent girl, but she is more than what she looks.

Coreen has been around for over half a century. She began as a lowly cat familiar fetching spell components to her first master. Over the years, Coreen grew under the guidance of her wizard. Her master granted her the power to change her shape into human form (to better help in the laboratory and research).

Through the years, Coreen worked with different wizard masters. She served all these wizards during the Last War. Bonding with each wizard for a few years to aid them, and then leaving them for another assignment.

Coreen bonded with me weeks after the war ended. Her last master was killed in the Day of Mourning. I asked her if she wants to work with me, and she agreed.

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