
A Little Research

The skydocks of Precarious lean out into the air high above the Dagger River. Vast mystical cranes and magic lifts uses levitation and the power of Syrania to haul loads of cargo and people to and from the waterfront districts of Cliffside. An army of laborers transports good between the docks and the warehouses in the district – both the massive storage towers and the smaller warehouses. While sailors generally find entertainment in Cliffside, Precarious houses a variety of crafts and services. Mills and workhouses make immediate use of the raw materials brought up from the Dagger River, while a few dingy tavern, gambling dens, and dreamlily dealers provide the workers a chance to leave their cares – and their silvers – behind.

The Edge is one of these taverns located in the district. The sun has just set and there are only a few patrons in the establishment. Most of them are already so drunk that they didn't notice a clocked woman silently makes her way across the room. Even in the dim light of the tavern, she could easily spot the two men seated at the back of the room.

“Sorry it took me a while before I found the place.” Rothaide offered an apology as she sat beside Gian.

“It’s no problem.” Devlin told her. “We haven’t been here for long. So what have you found out?”

“Is it safe to talk here?” Rothaide asked as she suspiciously looked around the room.

“It’s fine.” Gian tapped on a copper piece in the middle of the table. “I’ve infused it so that anyone a couple of feet from it would only hear mindless babble.”

“Ok,” Rothaide said, obviously more relaxed. “The priests at the Pavilion of the Host couldn’t offer much information regarding our new business partner. But I did acquire some from the halflings at the healing houses of Jorasco. You’ll be happy to note that he does not deal in slaves, poison or more deadly drugs. Popora does however deal with medicinal spices, which he consider relatively harmless and very profitable.”

“So basically you’re saying we’re dealing with a drug lord.” Devlin concludes and the elf nods her assent.

“And from what I’ve gathered, he’s a drug lord that can be trusted.” Devlin shares.

“Our Lord Popora has build part of his reputation on his ability to be trusted. He keeps his word, once given. He supposedly lives up to the letter and the spirit of an agreement.

“He has been known to engage in altruistic acts that on the surface, at least benefits others. “Devlin continues. “Such actions are usually considered as a sign of weakness amongst the Boromars, but he has always turned whatever he does to an eventual profit.”

Both Rothaide and Gian contemplated the pros and cons of the situation.

“What do we know of him personally?” Devlin turns towards the human artificer.

“He’s quite old.” Gian starts. “In his 120 years. He has survived several takeover attempts and skirmishes launched by rival organizations as well as in Clan conflicts. Each time, the opposing group was crushed utterly. He has no rivals – only competitors.”

Rothaide shook her head and sighed. It was obvious that the priestess of the hearthmother was feeling uneasy talking about druglords and criminals.

“He employs a vast network of operatives but frequently hires outside his organization, either to give him deniability or to test business associates who want to deal with him long-term. Another halfling named Vago takes care of most of his dirty work.

“Popora entrusts parts of his business to his two offspring, Zonnos and Mika. Zonnos is smug and sedentary, like most other Boromars. Although he seems at times more interested in food and revelry rather than in ensuring the future of the family business. If you ask me, this behavior could be a ruse to throw off spies and competitors.

“Mika, on the other hand, seems to have Popora’s instincts for profitable business opportunities and pursues them with a zest that at times seems unbecoming of a Boromar.”

The table then turns silent as everyone processes all the information they just shared.

After a few minutes, Devlin stands up and states “Well, we don’t want to keep our new business associates waiting do we?”

The three companions, head out towards the door. Gian taking time only to pause to pick up his copper piece on the tavern table and placing a couple of silver pieces as payment in its place.

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