
Looking for Work

"Boromar?" Coreen muttered in disbelief. "I don't like this."

I scratched my chin and stared at the jade-colored warforged. "Why would Lord Popora be interested in me?"

Coreen shook her head. "I don't want to deal with the Boromar Clan."

Ignoring the bookkeeper's ramblings, Gian turned me and asked, "Have you done business with Lord Popora before?"

"I try not to," I muttered. "The Boomers deal with a lot of illegal stuff. I mostly keep to trading with wizards." I turned to Herald and added, "No offense to your lord."

"None taken," the warforged replied.

“I’ve heard of Lord Popora.” I continued, “He’s one of the Boomers of Sharn, though not one of the Clan elders, he’s still quite powerful. He runs a vast network of legal and quasi-legal operations. Primarily dealing deals with smugglers."

“Individuals who have done work for Popora or his representatives say that Popora dealt fairly with them, honored their agreements, and paid on time.”

"At least he is willing to pay for your time and company," Gian commented.

Coreen looked at the artificer and snorted. "Oh what do you know?" She muttered. "The Boomers are trouble."

"But it wouldn't hurt to pay the Lord a visit," I replied. "With our funds severely depleted, we need to get some work."

"That is correct," the warforged answered.

"This is wrong," Coreen warned. "Lord Popora is vicious. He has a battalion of house wizards ready to kill you if you ever go against him."

"That's pretty much an exaggeration," Herald corrected. "He only has three house wizards."

"That I know," Coreen retorted. "And very malicious elven house wizards at that."

"Alright," I answered while fixing my coat. "I'll go meet Lord Popora."

The warforged gave a brief nod. "I will be waiting for you in the docks at two hours time," he said as Gian led him out of the skyship.

"Hope you come back in one piece," Coreen commented.

"Don't worry," I tightened my grip on my staff. "I have a feeling we'll be employed very soon. Besides I won’t be facing Lord Popora alone and unarmed."

“Gian,” I called out. “I need you to check up on your old contacts and see what you can come up regarding this Lord Popora. I’m specifically looking for how his organization works.”

Gian took on a grim look as if the prospect of heading down to the city was not something he was looking forward to but eventually nodded back.

“Likewise, go get Rothaide from the galley.” I added, “Tell her to do the same with the temples and with the Halflings at House Jorasco. Remind her to be discreet about her inquiries. I’ll meet you guys in exactly two hours at the Edge at Precarious.”

"Got it." Gian nodded back once more and headed down to the ship’s galley to look for the ship’s elven cleric.

“Where will you be?” Coreen asked.

“I’ll be checking out my own contacts.”

I walked off once more towards the Lyrandar tower and the city of Sharn.

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