
Bavesh's Wand of Blue Fire

I got this wand as a farewell gift during the end of the Last War. The wand was a present made by a gnome artificer named Bavesh. He and I go way back during the war. Bavesh was a skillful craftsman and his devices has saved my life more than once.

As the war drew to an end, Bavesh told me that he would be going back to his homeland. The gnome handed me this ivory wand as a token of friendship. He made this wand specially for me and that it was enchanted to work with my powers as a wind wizard.

This wand is an ultimate wand embedded with a small dragonshard. The wand is designed to cast a burning hands spell twice per day. Bavesh modified the spell with energy subsitution, changing the flames into electricity.

Devlin's notes:

This is a useful tool and I am ever grateful to Bavesh for this gift.

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