
Elemental Savant Prestige Class

Skills: Know (arcana): 8 ranks, Know (the planes): 8 ranks

Feats: Energy Substitution (acid, cold, electricity, or fire).

Able to cast at least 3 spells with the above descriptor, at least one of which must be 3rd level –or– able to cast 1 such spell and have access to one of the
following Clerical Domains: Air, Earth, Fire, Water.

Must have made peaceful contact with an appropriate elemental outsider.

Hit Dice: d4 per level
Skill Points: 2 + Int per level
Attack: as Wizard
Weapon: –
Armor: –

Available Skills:
Int: Alchemy, Craft, Know (any), Scry, Spellcraft.
Wis: Profession.
Con: Concentrate.
Cha: Handle Animals.
Speak Language.

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