
House Lyrandar

The half-elves of House Lyrandar possess the Mark of Storm. Their Windwrights Guild dominates the business of shipping and transportation over both sea and sky. Their Raincallers Guild provides services to farmers across Khorvaire. Both guilds are found in every coastal nation of Khorvaire, and they proudly trace their ancestry to the elves of Aerenal and the humans of Thrane.

Unmarked members of House Lyrandar are prosperous farmers, plantation owners, and sailors crewing the ships driven by their marked relatives.

House Lyrandar appeared in pre-Galifar Thrane two thousand years ago, but today it operates out of Aundair to avoid the restrictive rule of Thrane's theocracy. The house matriarch, Esravash d'Lyrandar, oversees both the Raincallers Guild and the Windwrights Guild from the island paradise of Stormhome, which the house created off the coast of Aundair.

The Raincallers Guild helps farmers across Khorvaire, as well as any others who need to affect the weather in a localized area. The Windwrights Guild controls a vast
shipping and transporation business that operates in the air and across the seas.


The Mark of Storm grants the power to control weather, primarily through the manipulation of clouds, wind, and rain. A character with this mark can create a short, localized drizzle or a powerful rainstorm, a short breeze, or enough wind to propel a ship across the sea.

Marks: The aspects of the Mark of Storm grant the following benefits.

Least Mark of Storm: endure elements 1/day, fog cloud 1/day, or gust of wind 1/day; +2 bonus on Balance checks.
Lesser Mark of Storm: sleet storm 1/day, wind'sfavor 1 /day, or wind wall 1/day.
With sleet storm, a character can create either warm rain or freezing sleet.
A character using wind's favor can create a localized area of strong wind (approximately 30 mph) in an area 10 feet wide, 10 feet high, and 100 feet + 20 feet per caster level long. The wind blows for 1 hour per caster level or until the character dismisses it. By concentrating as a fullround action, the character can change the direction of the wind by 45 degrees.
Greater Mark of Storm: control winds 1/day or control weather 1/day.

Devlin's notes:
The Lyrandar elders treat me as their prodigal son, and for good reasons. I disobeyed their orders, incurring losses in their business and delays in their plans. I joined the Last War, offering my services as a war wizard, despite Lady Esravash's objections. I "stole" an airship that was supposed to be a gift to a more deserving skyship captain. Plus many other offenses and violations I made over the years.

As far as I know, House Lyrandar has disowned me. I'm glad to have them off my shoulders.

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