
The Audience Chamber

Gian quickly placed himself between the shifter and his friends. The shifter growled at the artificer, and Gian met the shifter’s stare. After a brief moment, the shifter turned and walked out the corridor.

Vago looked at the group with a raised eyebrow and motioned them to enter the door.

The three visitors entered a large dimly lit chamber. Devlin noticed that the room resembled the insides of a Talenta halfling tent. The room was richly furnished. It was divided into three separate areas of colorful weaved floor mats. Each of the mats were placed on one corner of the chamber, neatly arranged and raised on a dais.

An old halfling with graying hair and wide eyes occupied the mat directly ahead. The platform was covered with rich tapestries and silk pillows. Three female Aerenal elves, dressed in stylish robes, stood nearby. Two halflings guards flanked the mat.

A built halfling occupied the mat to the right. He was younger than the one and was smoking from sort of contraption. He shared the dais with three large shifters, who were laughing and joking with one another.

The mat to the left was bare and empty.

Standing behind the group, Vago announced, “His most mighty and powerful lord, his most wise and generous master, his most understanding and thoughtful leader, Popora ir’Boromar.”

At this, the occupants of the room looked, expecting someone from the group to say something.

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