

5th level Human Artificer +

Gian appears to be a mild mannered and bespectacled young human male (around 23 to 25 years of age). He claims to be a native of Sharn and joined the crew of the Ravenstorm about less than a year. Gian serves as the ship's artificer as well as the reserve pilot.

Devlin's notes:

I hired Gian because he is an all-around handy man. Normally he keeps to himself but his friendly with the rest of the crew. I noticed that he is a fairly accomplished artificer.

He seems to know a few tricks that a normal artificer could not do, like cast fireball spells, summon the silver flame to turn undead, infiltrate a wizards tower, and fly a lyrandar airship (which normally only a half-elf lyrandar can do with his dragon - mark of storm).

A couple of months ago, I discovered that Gian possesses an aberrant dragonmark which allows him to mimic the abilities of other Dragonmarked houses. I brought it up with him, and he has confessed to possessing this dragonmark.

Personally I have nothing against people bearing aberrant dragonmarks, so I let him stay in the ship. Gian then asked me to keep his mark a secret.

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