
A Ride to the Little Plains

Devlin, Rothaide and Gian made their way towards the dock area of Precarious. They eventually arrived at a landing bay where they found a newly landed skycoach. Human laborers worked in pairs, moving crates off the vessel and stowing others on board.

A jade green warforged and a sleek, youthful looking halfling stood in front of the skycoach. The Halfling kept barking orders at the crew, while the warforged approached the three visitors.

“You are here,” Herald greeted the group. He introduces them to the halfling named Vago.

Despite the enormity of his work, Vago seemed alert and aware of his surroundings. He threw the group a sharp glance.

“Get them aboard. Lord Popora expects us.” Vago shouts to the warforged. He had a brusque and officious demeanor, and he seemed to loath wasting time and words on the visitors.

The group looked at each another. When Devlin gave a brief nod, both Rothaide and Gian followed the half-elf and the warforged aboard the skiff. The three made themselves comfortable and waited for the skycoach to be filled.

Devlin stared out and checked on the cargo being loaded. Most of them were exotic foodstuff and spices. He tried to start a conversation with Vago, but the halfling was concentrated on his job.

* * *

The skycoach soared off from Lower Dura and flew over the Middle Menthis Plateau ward. It zoomed pass the plateau, navigating between towers until it finally began its decent towards the Little Plains.

To a first time visitor, the towers at Little plains appear inside out: instead of open central spaces surrounded by buildings attached to the outside of a tower, streets run around the outside of towers, giving access to very low doorways leading to cave like interiors.

Halflings seemed to navigate through these ledges with ease. Devlin looked down and saw most of the small folks below, riding exotic dinosaurs and raptors along the streets.

The skycoach gradually landed on one of the outside ledges. And as the boarding doors opened, Vago led the group off the ship.

Devlin, Rothaide and Gian followed the halfling with Herald bringing up the rear. As soon as they clear the skycoach, several halfling laborers began unloading the rest of the skycoach's cargo.

“You should be honored that you are meeting with Lord Popora ir’ Boromar,” Vago stated as he led the group down a hallway. He brought them through a series of alleys and further down into the tower. “Among the Boromars, Popora’s name is legendary.”

Vago stopped abruptly and examined the three taller humans. “I believe Lord Popora has almost supernatural instincts and have long ago learned not to second-guess his decisions.”

He then turned his back and led the group again down another corridor.

Rothaide whispered to Gian. “What was that all about?”

Gian stared at the halfling and whispered back to his elven companion. “I’m not sure but I think we’ve just been insulted.”

Devlin signaled the two to keep quiet and quickened his pace to catch up with the halfling.

They continued to make their way down several corridors. They passed through corridors that were finely furnished with doorways carved from rare woods and art objects.

Eventually the group reached a large set of dark wood doors and Vago motioned the group onwards. The door suddenly opened before the halfling could turn the latch. A huge, broad shouldered shifter stepped out.

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