
Staff of Gorlband

This seven foot wooden staff was created by the wizard Gorlband when he was imprisoned by an unseelie fae countess. Apparently the wizard offended the countess when he spurned her romantic advances. Gorlband was locked up inside an enchanted garden for over a decade.

During that time, Gorlband created this staff in an attempt to please his captor. He created this item and presented it to the fae countess as a gift. The countess regarded it as a crude toy and gave it back to the wizard.

When Gorlband finally escaped the enchanted garden, he discovered that burglars have broken into his home and stole all his possessions. So Gorlband sold the staff along with other magical items he created to a wandering merchant.

The Staff of Gorlband functions as a staff of charming, capable of casting charm person and charm monster once per day, as a 12th level wizard.

Devlin's notes:

Got this staff during a year end sale at Sharn's magical bazaar. The merchant gave me the staff for free after I purchased Gorlband's spellbook and several of his potions.

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