
Docking procedures

Because of its airship docking tower, Sharn is also known as the gateway to Xen’drik. Built on the Central Plateau, Lyrandar Tower is one of the tallest structures in the city. It measures 2,000 feet in diameter at the bottom and 650 feet in diameter at the top.

The top floor of the tower houses the airship docking port — one of the busiest centers of activity in Sharn. The tower is the first sight that most visitors see upon arriving in the city, and it is often the only place visited by people here on business or just passing through.

Lyrandar Tower offers a wide array of services to the travelers who pass through it. Just about any product the city has to offer is also available here, though at prices ten to fifteen percent higher than elsewhere in the city. But most travelers are willing to spend the extra money for the convenience of having everything they need so handy. Most travelers that is... and yet...

* * *

“Captain!” Coreen cried out to me as she stomped into the main deck of the Ravenstorm. The young bookkeeper paid no heed to the crew. She charged towards the middle of the ship's deck, directly where I was standing.

”I’ve talked with the dock officer and we are cleared to stay for the next two days. It took me a great deal of convincing but I was able to lower the docking fees to something we can actually afford, but we’re running for funds Devlin. The fare of those passengers we have is simply not enough. We need to find a job soon!”

I listened to Coreen as I continued signing the docking papers. I read through the documents, making sure the customs made a proper inventory of the ship. I glanced towards the ship's elemental ring, taking note note of its dim glow; indicating that the elemental of the ship has been suppressed.

As soon as I finished my inspection, I turned to face the petite lass beside me.

“This is Sharn, Coreen.” I answered while walking towards the ship’s helm. “We’ll find something.”

“Well it better be sooner. We’re running low on funds and I still have a long list of supplies that we need to purchase.” Coreen answered as she followed me.

We stepped inside the brige, where a tall human was in the process of making final adjustments on the ship’s controls.

“Raven has been suppressed, Captain.” Gian reported as he greeted us. The glow from his Mark of Storm faded as he removed his hands from the ship's helm. A large wheel made of dark wood - the source of the ship’s control over the ship’s elemental.

"Good work," I gave a brief nod as I continued to inspect the helm controls.

“Most of the crew has reported that they’re taking their R&R but we’ve got a skeleton crew on board just in case. We need, however, to make some repairs on the binding struts. The one in the aft section is sort of wobbling.” Gian stated as handed me the wheel.

“And how much is that going to cost us?” Coreen asked.

“Ummm…” Gian faltered and pushed back his spectacles. “Not much, we can always improvise.”

Coreen turned to me and shouted, “DEVLIN! We need to find a job now!”

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