

The Ravenstorm lifts off from Precarious and heads up into the sky. At the helm, Devlin navigates the ship from the Docks at the lower side of Sharn and maneuvers it towards the higher towers.

Rothaide and Rourke are both sitting in the ship's galley. The elf priestess just made a fresh pot of Verinn tea and hands a cup to the war mage. Rourke begins to read through the scrolls that Vago gave to Devlin. The war mage sips the tea and begins to formulate a strategy for the crew to get in and out of Regalport.

Suddenly, Rothaide gasps. Rourke looks up from the other side of the table and saw that the elf's eyes have turned white.

Something is wrong, Rourke thought. He knew Rothaide long enough to know that this is a sign that the Void Disciple is experiencing one of her visions.

“Roth?” Rourke asks, wary that he might disturb the elf causing her to lose her vision.

“Steady yourself.” Rothaide whispers as she grabs hold of the large table in front of her.

The war mage quickly follows the elf's warning. His hands barely touch the table when the ship suddenly gives a hard lurch. The cutlery and coffee mugs fly off in various directions and spilling their contents on the floor.

Suddenly the ship becomes still. Rourke realizes they’ve come to a dead stop. He takes a moment to check on Rothaide. The elf is now standing beside the table but still lost in her void trance.

The sound of footsteps causes the war mage to check at the galley’s entrance. From there, the figure of Gian appears.

“Are you two alright?” The artificer asks as he surveys the room. “We’re…

“… under attack” Rothaide finishes the human’s sentence before losing consciousness as her trance ends.

* * *

After making sure that Rothaide is safe and secure in the Galley, Gian and Rourke quickly make they way to the forecastle deck.

From where they’re standing, Rourke can easily make out two of the four grappling hooks that Gian told him a while ago. They looked like they were tied to the towers around the ship and held the ship in place. But it was not the hooks which caught his attention.

Three gnolls are on the forecastle deck. Two of them wearing leather armor, wielding long bows which are pointed towards the crew. The third gnoll is in a partial metal armor and wields a bastard sword.

“Attention crew of this elemental ship.” The gnoll with the bastard sword states in heavily accented common. “You are under attack by the Bomu clan! We’re here to take you’re cargo. Cooperate and no one gets hurt.”

As if to emphasize his point, a gnoll and three humans flew down from the sky. They are riding on soarsleds. - crystal platforms capable of flying within the boundaries of the city. Each of them aim their bows at the crew members.

From the side of the ship, a cracking sound can be heard and the ship buckles once again.

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