
A Final Meeting

The loading of the containers continue well into the night. Coreen and Gian checked the transfers. As workers hauled the final crate, a skiff descended onto the landing bay.

Zonnos and a pair of his shifters emerged from the skiff. Rhe young Boromar lord and his followers boarded the Ravenstorm. They looked over the last container before heading towards Devlin.

“Lord Boromar. Is there anything I could do for you?” Devlin cordially greeted the halfling.

“I wanted to wish you good luck on your mission and tell you that I have no hard feelings.” Zonnos gave a wide smile. “I know that you are going into a dangerous situation, and I want you to know you have the support of our entire clan.”

“However,” said the Boromar lord, “Even if you fail to find my sister, or – Sovereigns forbid – you find her too late to help, you will still have an ally in our clan.”

Zonnos gave Devlin a friendly wink. “I trust I am clear in this matter?”

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