
Four Scrolls

The Regalport Scroll

The Lhazaar Principalities is a nation of factions that vie for supremacy. Its population is primarily human, with strong gnome, half-elf and changeling presence.

Dozens of princes control land and ships in the Principalities. Ryger ir’Wynarn is the best known, since he represented the Principalities at he thronehold discussions. Ryger seeks to unite the Principalities into a true nation, but has met with strong resistance from the other lords. Prince Ryger’s flagship, Dragoneye, makes it home port at Regalport.

The Seadragon principality Is typically regarded as a backwater corner of the continent. Its population trades in local animal products and minng for Eberron dragonshards though. Being far from the main land though, the Principalities have become a common meeting place for smugglers and other scoundrels. The local government is tolerant as long as it gets its cut and one of the local folks gets killed.

Aside from Prince Ryger’s Seadragons, other groups include vicious pirates of the Cloudreavers, the mercenary Diresharks, the changeling Gray Tide, the Bloodsails of Farlnen, the half-elf Wind Whisperers and the well-intentioned Heavenly Fleet.

The Plague Scroll

The plague appeared three weeks ago and quickly swept the Principalities. It is assumed to be airborne, and those affected are seriously weakened. The symptoms of the plague include fever, dehydration (resulting in crusting about the mouth and eyes), general weakness, and the thickening of the fingers and tongue. Repeated exposures can kill and individual.

The first indication of the plague occurred when a cruise ship from Regalport showed up in Valenar, its crew too weak to land. The ship was boarded and impounded. The Lyrandar fleet was sent to keep a lid on the Principalities as healing supplies were prepared to help those trapped in the city. Several ships, mostly pirates, fled Regalport before the blockade was fully in place, but for the past two weeks nothing has arrived or left the Seadragon Principalities.

The origin of the plague is unknown to those on Regalport.

The Lyrandar Fleet Scroll

Officials of the Dragonmarked Houses contacted the Lyrandar fleet to secure the area until a sufficient response could be mounted. In response, the fleet has assigned the airships Resolute to patrol the area. Nothing gets on and off the city without the Lyrandar fleet’s permission, and so far the only things that it allows are protected Lyrandar and Medani forces. In addition to the Resolute, the fleet employs a dozen stormships to help maintain the blockade.

The contact at the Lyrandar fleet is Angela Krin d’Lyrandar. A note describes her as a frustrating, officious bureaucrat.

The Mika ir' Boromar Scroll

Mika is the second child of Popora ir’Boromar. An illustration of her shows a young, bright-eyes halfling with greening eyes and yellowish blonde hair. Popora has entrusted particular missions to Mika, as much as he has to Zonnos. Although Zonnos is expected to take control of Popora’s holdings once Popora steps down, Mika figures prominently in her father’s plans as well. He hopes Mika will add a subtler touch to her older sibling’s decisions. Mika’s interests include foreign cultures, history, and magic, all of which would serve her well in such a rle.

Mika was on the Principalities for two weeks before the plague broke out. She was negotiating with a collective of dragonshard miners for 1% of their yearly haul in exchange for transport to Sharn on Popora’s ships. The notes on the Principalities geology come from Mika’s reports back to her parent and sibling.

Once the plague broke out, all contact with the Principalities ceased, resuming sporadically only with the arrival of the Lyrandar forces. Popora’s aides have contacted the Lyrandar Dragonmarked house but have received no response concerning any halfling on the city. A quoted section of the report uses the phrase “… more important things to do than play nanny to some missing halfling.”

Mika last reported in from Regalport just before the plague. A couple of Boromar halfling bodyguards accompanied her.

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